Table 6


Scheme of Delegations to Officers



G.        Chief Finance Officer


1.         To make arrangements for the borrowing of such money as the County Council has decided shall be borrowed in accordance with such policy as may be laid down from time to time by the Council and subject to the receipt of the necessary Government approvals.


2.         In accordance with the provisions of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989:


            (a)       to issue bonds and to deal with allied detailed matters as reported to the Cabinet;


(b)       to issue bills in accordance with conditions reported to the Cabinet.


            Note: Delegation 2 above is granted subject to the Chief Operating Officer’s reporting at regular intervals to the Cabinet on action taken.


3.         To carry out the statutory duties referred to in Section 151 of the Local Government Act 1972 in relation to the Pension Fund and to provide advice to the County Council, Pension Committee and Pension Board in carrying out their responsibilities.


4.         To implement strategies and policies approved by the Administering Authority (including those delegated to the Pension Committee).


5.         To manage, in accordance with the policies and strategies approved by the Administering Authority (including the Pension Committee), and in accordance with legislative requirements, the East Sussex Pension Fund including ensuring arrangement for investment of assets and administration of contributions and benefits.


6.         To implement policies decided by the Administering Authority (including the Pension Committee).


7.         To take action or decide any other Pension Fund related matter on behalf of the Administering Authority in special or emergency situations, in consultation with the Chair of the Pension Committee, including but not limited to where delay in the purchase or sale of investments might be detrimental to the interests of the East Sussex Pension Fund.


8.         To approve the terms of an admission or cessation agreement and, where appropriate, any related bond or indemnity, with a body wishing to participate in or leave the East Sussex Pension Scheme/Fund.


9.         To undertake any necessary actions relating to employers joining and leaving the fund, or monitoring of such employers, based on decisions made by the Pension Committee.


10.       To agree Administering Authority responses to consultations on LGPS matters and other matters where they have minimal impact on the Fund or its stakeholders including relating to minor technical operational matters impacting the Administering Authority only.


11.                   To implement the Fund's agreed strategic allocation including use of both rebalancing and conditional ranges in accordance with the Investment Strategy.  


123.    After consultation with the relevant Cabinet members (subject to the provisions of Financial Regulations) to:


            (a)       authorise transfers between budget headings;


            (b)       vary the capital programme;


            (c)        deal with urgent budgetary matters;


            (d)       deal with urgent matters relating to borrowing, investments and excusal of debts; and


            (e)       vary the interest rate chargeable for staff housing advances.


134.    After consultation with the Director of Adult Social Care and Health, to set future inter authority and standard charges for residential and day care accommodation, in accordance with the formula recommended by the Local Government Association.


145.    To approve fees and charges for 2019/20 onwards and to report to Cabinet and the County Council on those set at a level above inflation as part of the quarterly monitoring.


156.    To determine whether additional income, e.g. one-off grants, should be held corporately or passed to the relevant department within the Medium Term Financial Plan (See A.5.1.3).


167.    To determine the resources available for the Capital Programme, taking into consideration the availability of reserves and balances, funding from other bodies and the affordability of borrowing. (see A.5.3.6)


178.    To agree variations within 10% of a capital scheme’s current budget where funding has been identified as outlined in A.5.3.8 (see A.5.3.9)


189.    To determine annually the capital risk provision and to approve use of the provision  for individual project, in consultation with the Capital Strategic Asset Board. (see A.5.3.10)



            Note:  The Chief Finance Officer has been designated as the Officer with responsibility for the proper administration of the Council's financial affairs under Section 151 of the Local Government Act 1972.


Responsibilities in relation to the East Sussex Pension Fund

10.       To carry out the statutory duties referred to in Section 151 of the Local Government Act 1972 in relation to the Pension Fund and to provide advice to the County Council, Pension Committee and Pension Board in carrying out their responsibilities.

11.       To implement strategies and policies approved by the Administering Authority (including those delegated to the Pension Committee).

12.       To manage, in accordance with the policies and strategies approved by the Administering Authority (including the Pension Committee), and in accordance with legislative requirements, the East Sussex Pension Fund including ensuring arrangement for investment of assets and administration of contributions and benefits.

13.       To implement policies decided by the Administering Authority (including the Pension Committee).

14.       To take action or decide any other Pension Fund related matter on behalf of the Administering Authority in special or emergency situations, in consultation with the Chair of the Pension Committee, including but not limited to where delay in the purchase or sale of investments might be detrimental to the interests of the East Sussex Pension Fund.

15.       To approve the terms of an admission or cessation agreement and, where appropriate, any related bond or indemnity, with a body wishing to participate in or leave the East Sussex Pension Scheme/Fund.

16.       To undertake any necessary actions relating to employers joining and leaving the fund, or monitoring of such employers, based on decisions made by the Pension Committee.

17.       To agree Administering Authority responses to consultations on LGPS matters and other matters where they have minimal impact on the Fund or its stakeholders including relating to minor technical operational matters impacting the Administering Authority only.

18.       To implement the Fund's agreed strategic allocation including use of both rebalancing and conditional ranges in accordance with the Investment Strategy.

19.       To make decisions to invest up to 5% of the Fund assets outside of the defined Investment Strategy Statement, Implementation plan or rebalancing range to react to market risks or opportunities.

20.       To approve payments under the Market Supplement Policy, subject to the other options for addressing staff retention problems having been considered and the following criteria having been satisfied:

(a)      the market in which the County Council is competing being examined;

(b)      salary levels in that market for the required skills, qualifications and experience being clearly above the County Council pay levels; and

(c)      non-pay items which might provide a recruitment/retention incentive being thoroughly examined.

21.       Within the approved budget to set the staffing complement and to appoint employees to all posts other than those reserved for elected member appointment and to approve starting salaries.

22.       Provided that the cost can be met from within the approved training budgets

(a)       to arrange and approve the training of employees in accordance with the Pension Funds training policy; and

(b)       to approve the attendance of officers at professional conferences.

23.       In accordance with the policy of the County Council to authorise:

(a)       honoraria payments for special merit up to £1000;

(b)       honoraria payments to staff who temporarily undertake additional duties or responsibilities in accordance with the scheme for the time being in force;

(c)        planned overtime for staff on or above Spinal Column Point 23 on the Single Status Scheme;

(d)       in special cases, variations in the normal repayment provisions relating to:

(i) training expenses where the employee leaves within two years of completing a course of study;

(ii) relocation expenses where the employee leaves within the period stated in the scheme in consultation with the Chief Operating Officer;

24.       To provide information to the media, members of the public and the community.